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Pharmb.io co-organizing Linked Data Symposium

15 Feb, 2018

pharmb.io is this year co-organizing a symposium named “Linked Data in Sweden”. It is a symposium held annually with the aim to bring people together to share experiences around Linked Data.

This year, the event is hosted by the SciLifeLab Data Centre, at the BMC campus of Uppsala University (“Navet building”).

Samuel from the group will present some of the work done in the group regarding handling on large scale linked / semantic data.

You can find more information about the event, including a tentative agenda, on its webpage, as well as the SciLifeLab event. Also please consider taking the pre-registration “call of interest” survey, to help us make the event as good as possible. Finally, if you tweet about the event, we suggest to use the event hashtag #LDSV2018, to make it easy to follow the event.