Open Data, Open Source and Open Standards in chemistry: The Blue Obelisk five years on.

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Published: 2011-10-14

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O'Boyle NM, Guha R, Willighagen EL, Adams SE, Alvarsson J, Bradley, J-C, Filippov IV, Hanson RM, Hanwell MD, Hutchison GR, James CA, Jeliazkova N, Lang ASID, Langner KM, Lonie DC, Lowe DM, Pansanel, Jérôme, Pavlov D, Spjuth O, Steinbeck C, Tenderholt AL, Theisen KJ, Murray-Rust P. Open Data, Open Source and Open Standards in chemistry: The Blue Obelisk five years on..
Journal of Cheminformatics. 3, 37 (2011). DOI: 10.1186/1758-2946-3-37


The Blue Obelisk movement was established in 2005 as a response to the lack of Open Data, Open Standards and Open Source (ODOSOS) in chemistry. It aims to make it easier to carry out chemistry research by promoting interoperability between chemistry software, encouraging cooperation between Open Source developers, and developing community resources and Open Standards. This contribution looks back on the work carried out by the Blue Obelisk in the past 5 years and surveys progress and remaining challenges in the areas of Open Data, Open Standards, and Open Source in chemistry. We show that the Blue Obelisk has been very successful in bringing together researchers and developers with common interests in ODOSOS, leading to development of many useful resources freely available to the chemistry community.