Towards Automated AI-guided Drug Discovery Labs

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Presenter:Ola Spjuth
Abstract:High-content microscopy in automated laboratories present many challenges for storing and processing data, and to build AI models to aid decision making. We have established an informatics system to serve a robotized cell profiling setup with incubators, liquid handling and high-content microscopy for microplates. The informatics system consists of computational infrastructure (CPUs, GPUs, storage), middleware (Kubernetes), imaging database and software, and workflow systemS to perform online prioritization of new data, and automate the process from acquired images to continuously updated and deployed AI models. The AI methodologies include Deep Learning models trained on image data, and conventional machine learning models trained on data from Cell Painting experiments. The microservice architecture makes the system scalable and expandable, and a key objective is on improving screening and toxicity assessment using AI-aided intelligent experimental design.
Venue: Swedish e-Science Academy 2019, Lund
Date:16 Oct, 2019
Links:Slides on external site