Christa Ringers receives mobility grant from Norwegian Research Council to join our team as a PostDoc for a project in functional personalized medicine for colorectal cancer
24 Jun, 2021
We are excited to announce that Christa Ringers has received a prestigious 3-year mobility grant from Norwegian Research Council to join our team at Uppsala University as a PostDoc for 2 years and then continue the project at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in the group of Åsmund Flobak and Astrid Lægreid. In short, the project combine functional personalized medicine – using spheroids obtained from Norwegian patients – with morphological cell profiling implemented in our research group. By incorporating novel high-content readouts into the existing functional personalized medicine pipeline in Norway, we want to discriminate sensitivity to a given treatment within the cellular diversity of the tumor, and support physicians to identify potential cancer therapies.
There will be high synergy with ongoing projects in the Flobak/Lægreid group as well as in our group, such as our ongoing Autonomous Phenomics project.